Not everyone is lucky enough to discover their soul mate when they are young like I was and unfortunately she left to go and live in another country while I was too young to do anything about it. The day my sweetheart left me was the day I felt real heartbreak deep inside my very soul and for months afterwards I pined for what I had lost though we still exchanged letters for a while. They were never enough to heal the pain and actually made it hurt even more. Later even this communication ceased while we both got on with our lives in two countries thousands of miles apart. You will instinctively know when you have met your true soul-mate because the feelings surpass everything you will ever experience, way beyond physical barriers, and even what we consider love as a feeling. It comes even close to hating because of the deep feelings you have for your soul mate…
Never let them go.
If you find your true soul mate then you will know it, and if you manage to get together never let them go because you will truly regret it for the rest of your life! Although time passed and I found love again and even married the feelings had for my soul mate were never forgotten. When internet technology came about years later I looked for my soul mate without success and even with all these resources was never able to find her again. Naturally I looked for her under her maiden name of course never thinking that she would have gotten married down the line like I had with so much time passed. One day purely by chance looking again for her I found her mother had a website and amazingly enough I found her again. Though she is still thousands of miles a away we can still communicate which is something really special now that we have the internet. If you ever find your soul mate NEVER let them slip through your fingers because you will never find someone so special again. I believe only 1 person in 10 can find such a deep connection.
Precious relationships
Relationships are very precious to human beings and should be carefully cherished more than wealth. If you find someone to love then do everything possible to make it work, and by doing so your life will be complete. Your partner is your friend, your lover and someone to share life with. You are going to have your ups and downs but use the downs to strengthen your relationship and build an unbreakable bond. I have a special wife and family after 29 years of being together and have found fulfillment with also being able to now communicate and keep in touch with my soul mate. It gives me closure at least but the feeling that I have lost something always stays deep inside of me. When you find your true soul mate you will have one of the most powerful relationships ever so make sure that you never lose him or her when you do!
1 comment:
This is beautiful. I am so in tune with your thoughts and it was lovely to read your comments as you managed to capture if words such a difficult and raw emotion of being totally in love with some one and knowing they are your soul mate.
I am been my with soul mate for five years but we have never had the chance to live together. We value money differently and due to her first two marriages is a very protective, defensive character who has become an island. All I ever wanted was to join her on her island and give her absolutely everything my heart and soul has. I tried a career change (chasing the money to try and help meet her aspirations but I don't enjoy it and have decided to return to my first career) this has not gone down well with my partner and I can't convince her that my love and feelings for her have never changed and that money is not the most important thing in finding true love.
What makes it complicated is that I have a visa for Australia/New Zealand and while I would give up everything to be with her, she still seems protective of her island.
I am now faced with trying to pursue my first career again in a Australia/New Zealand and while the New Zealand draws me the most my heart and soul want to be with my partner in the UK.
I am going to look at NZ for 6 months and I and torn because if my partner doesn't accept me for who I am, and doesn't feel that I am her soul mate as I do then I need to embrace a new life and go. Yet is my partner would accept me for being me and invite me to share her island we could have a rare, beautiful and ever lasting love.
Apologies for going on a bit, but I can honestly say I agree with your article, NEVER let you soul mate go BUT make sure the feeling is mutual otherwise you will compromise both of your lives.
I am still waiting for my partner to let me know if she feels I am her true soul mate which is difficult for her as she has many emotional characteristics of man and therefore is many ways is true hard, proud and protective to admit she needs anyone - she might not even believe in soul mates...
I will always love her.
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