1. Women love men that are sensitive and feeling by nature. When you show your sincerity you will definitely be more appreciated. This means openly declaring your love and not being afraid to do so where ever you are. She will secretly revel in the fact that you are so proud of her and such a loving partner.
2. Women in relationships are forever changing their minds on what they want. You must be a master of compromise to make a relationship with a women work. Men should have a lot of patience and be a good listener so that you know what to expect for the next step in your relationship with her.
3. Women trust their own instincts, and it is known that women's instinct is normally pretty accurate. Accept that women are guided by common sense more than anything else, so if the tell you to follow a certain direction even if it is against what the map says, they will probably be right. No doubt you have seen in many a movie that a woman will say to leave well enough alone, where the man refuses to and everyone ends up in a jam. The Movie 'Jeepers Creepers' is a fabulous example of this...
4. Women in relationships are shop-aholics. They can never have enough shoes or clothing. What is worse is they cannot decide what to wear on any given time either. The longer she takes to get ready when going on a date with you is something you should really appreciate; because after all she does want to look good for you. Women love getting gifts too. They love a man that keeps on giving especially if he is imaginative with gifts.
5. Women in relationships can say things they do not mean and quickly feel sorry they let them out, because this is like speaking their thoughts aloud. Be forgiving for things that are said in frustration and anger, because if you take them to heart your relationship can be over sooner than you think! Never use tem as ammunition in an argument later either
6. Women love compliments and can never get enough of them. You should however be cautious in dishing out too many though, because they can end up becoming meaningless as well. You should look for a balance here. Build up her self confidence by letting her know she looks good, has made a great decision, been a wonderful cook or is clever in what she has achieved in her career etc.
7. Women in relationships are dreamers and still little girls at heart. She desires to be the center of attention and you are the knight on a white horse rescuing her. Take note that women's hearts melt when they see a puppy, cry at sad movies and will love being treated like a princess by you now and again.
8. Women want what they cannot always have. Sometimes you will experience this and its best to be patient. Most women can be very ambitious in this regard as well, so your gentle restraint can prevent her from being let down too hard.
9. In arguments women in relationships want to have the first and the last words. Sometimes it is just better letting her think she is right, even though you know she is wrong. When she finds out afterwards that she really was wrong she will not admit it either. Never remind her of this fact.
10. Women are better drivers and more careful ones at that than men. This may stick in your craw, but statistics prove this to be true. They are also better at remembering directions once they have traveled the route just once. You can trust a woman to drive your most prized car.
11. Women never forget what you say or what has been said especially when it comes to women in relationships In an argument she can bring up ammunition you thought she had forgotten. Be careful what you say in the heat of the moment because it can come back and haunt you!
If you are in love with a women and she loves you back unconditionally then you have a relationship that is truly worth fighting for. Try and learn as much about her as you can while you are building a relationship; what she likes and does not like, and so forth. You can get a lot of this information from her friends with some subtle questioning. When you start understanding her better you have a lifelong loving partner that is worth more than all the money on the world.
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