Perhaps you finally built up the courage to ask the person out and you want to do everything possible to make your first date a success. You are as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof because you really like the person you are going on a first date with, and you want to make sure everything is going to be perfect. Maybe you have been dating online a while, and because you are happy about a face to face meeting you have arranged to meet up somewhere. Thoughts of ‘first impressions are always lasting’ go around in your date and no doubt you are reading this because you want to know how to make your first date a success. Both of you are going to equally nervous about your first date if that is any comfort!
Calmly Plan every detail of your date!
To make your first date a success, every detail needs to be planned properly right down to choosing a few topics you are going to talk about during the date and questions you will ask to keep the conversation going. Nothing is going to be worse than sitting with a mouthful of teeth on your first date with a silence you can cut through with a knife. You need some ice breakers and things to talk about to make the first date go smoothly. Furthermore if you are the one that has asked the person out, you will have to give them an idea of where the date is going to be, how you are getting there and what time you will be collecting them…
Dress up nicely and pay attention to grooming to make your fist date a success
It is very important to make sure that you look good, because first impressions are lasting as mentioned above and there may not be a second chance if you blow it. Besides looking good will also give you more confidence on your first date. If you know where you are going, then dress up to suit the date. Going out to a casual restaurant or burger joint and a movie dressed up in a suit and tie, or cocktail dress if you are a lady, is not going to work. See yourself in the mirror as how your date is going to look at you, and make sure you are satisfied and comfortable. This is a very vital point to make your first date a success!
Be conscious of good manners on your first date!
When you go on your first date there are certain ways you should behave and etiquette you should make a point of. If you are a man hold open doors, compliment your date on the way she looks, open the car door for her hold the chair for her to sit down. The days of chivalry are alive and well, and most women love a man with impeccable manners. If you are a lady, thank the man for compliments and be on your best behavior. Manners aside; on your first date try not to be someone you are not because keeping up the lie may become a nightmare you wish you had not started. Good impressions are vital sure, but still be your self. If the woman/girl is a feminist which is something you should be able to pick up on quite quickly, let her do things for herself. She may also want to help with expenses, and if so do not argue about it just thank her politely once and do not make it an issue!
Common sense tips to make your first date a success.
There are some common sense tips you should know to make your first date a success
If you are picking a girl up do not be late and make sure your car is clean.
It is fashionable for a lady to be a few minutes late, and to allow her date fetch her at the front door of her home. Do not be impatient if you are a guy.
Do not go to a place you cannot afford, and no matter what you have planned make sure you have more than enough to cover the bills without stress.
Your first date is not a job interview and you will both be shy.
You can make the first effort to make yourselves more comfortable with each other to break the ice.
You can make your first date a success by following the above common sense guides and afterwards thank him or her for a lovely evening and let them know that you enjoyed yourself. When you part, you will both know if your first date is going to be the beginning of a great relationship!
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