Avoiding the storms
When you get the silent treatment from her, then you have done something to upset her and thus need to think back on what you have done, in order to try and fix it. Men will go silent when there is nothing left to say, while women use it as a punishment, and they can keep it up for hours and even days!. If you remember what you have done to upset her, take action to apologize, or do what she asked etc; and the sun will shine again soon enough. The longer you leave it the longer the silent treatment will continue…
Bad hair day
Sometimes women wake up on the wrong side of the bed in a bad mood. They like to call it a bad hair day. It could be from PMT, something that has been irritating her, or some problem that is bothering her. It is best to be as understanding as possible, while staying out of her way until the storm has passed. On a bad day the smallest problems and issues will be magnified a 100x times, and she could erupt into a dragon at any time.
I know what I am doing
As mentioned above the 21st century women are pretty independent, but they still rely heavily on you to fix things. Be tactful when you offer to help, and leave her if she insists she can manage on your own. If she does things the wrong way, let her come and ask for your help to undo the damage, otherwise you will be considered as pushy and overbearing. Sometimes she will just need an ear to listen to her problems, so give her just that and nothing more.
An Elephant never forgets
When you step out of line your beloved girlfriend will file this in her little black book in her mind. What you did wrong will be thrown back at you in an argument, and used as a weapon, even if it is six months later. Don’t be surprised if this list is a mile long in an argument, of things you thought were long forgotten. Never use the same tactic yourself either, if you know what is good for you because it will turn into a full blown war.
Love her and tell her so
Communicate with the woman you love, and often let her know how you feel about her. Hug her and give her a kiss at every opportunity, without expecting it to lead to sex. Your girlfriend will set a lot of store by this, and feel really appreciated. Women also love when you ask them advice on anything, and women in turn should also learn to openly communicate with their guys. It is useful investing in expert advice for building strong relationships with women, and you will find some great guides that are helpful for both men and women as well. Have a look around this blog and you will find everything you need of the best guides online.
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