This is a question that is asked by many women that email me for advice. The short answer to; can I forgive my cheating husband? is Yes! When you do forgive him though, it must be done completely. If you keep the resentment and bitterness inside, you have not really forgiven him completely, and as a result your relationship will not be able to develop and move forward again. Many relationships and marriages end up in tatters because of cheating, but you have to ask yourself the simple question: why did my husband cheat in the first place? What lacked in the relationship that resulted in him cheating? Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that result in cheating, and you have got to examine these as well when seeking to forgive your husband for cheating.
Reasons men may cheat.
It has always been said that people always desire things that they cannot have. Think of Adam and Eve in the bible with the forbidden fruit for example. Men and women like to try and get what they know is forbidden, and sometimes this temptation will end up in him cheating. Other reasons can be low self esteem, lack of sexual gratification in the relationship, boredom with a relationship and the need for new excitement, being inebriated with alcohol, which lowers inhibitions, and male menopause which pressures many men in to thinking that they are longer desirable or good looking. There are other reasons as well, but the question we are working on here is can I forgive my Cheating husband after the fact?
You found out he has cheated on you!
When you find that your husband or boyfriend has been cheating, the initial feelings are anger, disgust, hurt and the feeling of being unloved. You will want to hit back hard at him and make him pay for what he has have done to you. You will not be prepared to listen to anything he wants to say right now and you are completely heartbroken by this unfaithfulness. Can I forgive my cheating husband right now? Obviously not the way you are feeling right now; because firstly, you will have to work through everything that has happened around him cheating. Your friends may tell you get rid of your husband or partner, but the truth is it is totally unnecessary to dissolve a marriage or a long lasting relationship because he was cheating. If you both truly love one another cheating may have been a mistake that he now deeply regrets. The bible says that it takes a powerful person to truly forgive especially when you have been deeply wronged.
Take care of your relationships
Relationships are hard work and you must be attentive to each others needs. True commitment and caring for each other mean noticing when something is wrong and taking steps as soon as possible to resolve the problems. Women that use sex as a weapon may end up driving men to seek gratification elsewhere, nagging women may drive men to seek solace in another that will listen to them and accept them, career orientated women that are no longer affectionate may drive men to women that are. Do not wait for something like this to happen. Work together in harmony and nurture the love between you because relationships are more precious than anything. Have a look at this great guide to help you strengthen your relationships and marriage.
Reasons men may cheat.
It has always been said that people always desire things that they cannot have. Think of Adam and Eve in the bible with the forbidden fruit for example. Men and women like to try and get what they know is forbidden, and sometimes this temptation will end up in him cheating. Other reasons can be low self esteem, lack of sexual gratification in the relationship, boredom with a relationship and the need for new excitement, being inebriated with alcohol, which lowers inhibitions, and male menopause which pressures many men in to thinking that they are longer desirable or good looking. There are other reasons as well, but the question we are working on here is can I forgive my Cheating husband after the fact?
You found out he has cheated on you!
When you find that your husband or boyfriend has been cheating, the initial feelings are anger, disgust, hurt and the feeling of being unloved. You will want to hit back hard at him and make him pay for what he has have done to you. You will not be prepared to listen to anything he wants to say right now and you are completely heartbroken by this unfaithfulness. Can I forgive my cheating husband right now? Obviously not the way you are feeling right now; because firstly, you will have to work through everything that has happened around him cheating. Your friends may tell you get rid of your husband or partner, but the truth is it is totally unnecessary to dissolve a marriage or a long lasting relationship because he was cheating. If you both truly love one another cheating may have been a mistake that he now deeply regrets. The bible says that it takes a powerful person to truly forgive especially when you have been deeply wronged.
Take care of your relationships
Relationships are hard work and you must be attentive to each others needs. True commitment and caring for each other mean noticing when something is wrong and taking steps as soon as possible to resolve the problems. Women that use sex as a weapon may end up driving men to seek gratification elsewhere, nagging women may drive men to seek solace in another that will listen to them and accept them, career orientated women that are no longer affectionate may drive men to women that are. Do not wait for something like this to happen. Work together in harmony and nurture the love between you because relationships are more precious than anything. Have a look at this great guide to help you strengthen your relationships and marriage.
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