Dealing with breakup letters in relationships
It is a whole lot simpler communicating through the written word and even more so when it comes to relationships. For many people that want out of a relationship; writing breakup letters is easier than facing what is going to soon be your ex partner. A lot more can be said in breakup letters because you are not going to be interrupted. On the flip side breakup letters are the cowardly way out; and the person that you send them to break up a relationship with, will probably read them over and over again to see if there is a meaning between the lines. Breakup letters from women to men in the armed forces that were away in battle were and still are commonly known as a Dear John letters.
Breakup letters to women from men can be called whatever you like. Either way the outcome is the same, and means the end of a relationship and a broken heart for the partner that gets the breakup letters. With new technology, breakup letters can even be breakup emails, or text messages saying it is over, and they can either be short and sweet to the point or full explanatory breakup letters explaining why the relationship is over.
Breakup letters are painful to write and painful to receive.
For those ending relationships; breakup letters can be painful to write depending on why you are trying to break up. You can take all the time in the world writing detailed breakup letters and no matter what the reason is for ending the relationship you can get every point across just the way you want to. The only danger of writing break up letters is that when you deliver them, it is going to mean a final cutting of all ties with your partner and burns the bridges completely so be absolutely sure this is what you want to do. The partner receiving the breakup letters are going to be hurt shocked, disbelieving and broken hearted and they will probably read the letter over and over again.
What if you are writing a break up letter because you are hurt because you think your partner has betrayed you but in reality it may just have been something innocent? In these cases you may be making the biggest mistake of your life that can not be undone. You may think your partner was cheating on you but in reality was not, for example. Your breakup letter may already have been sent and then it is too late. In other instances breakup letters are used to get rid of inconsiderate and nasty partners and in this case they will be scathing in every sense of the word.
Make sure you really want to use breakup letters to end your relationship.
Before you decide to write breakup letters to end your ties with your partner think carefully if this is what you really want. Breakup letters are like a written contract in a way. In the wrong hands break up letters can even end up doing even more damage and some people may use them to undermine your credibility and make it difficult to start a relationship in your social circle. The saying ‘hell hath no fury like a women scorned’ comes to mind here if you are writing one to the now ex women in your life, so imagine having your breakup letters plastered all over the internet, on notice boards and copies to everyone you know?
If you think your relationship is all rosy and you receive a break up letter from your partner, you are going to be angry and broken hearted. Before thinking of defending yourself or retaliating calm down first and read carefully what is written in the break up letter. Perhaps even though you have been given a break up letter the relationship can still be saved.
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