Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Women In Relationships 2

What Women Want in Relationships

If you really want to get the most out of your relationship with your wife, lover, girlfriend and even your mother, then it is best to know a little about what women want in relationships. The top of the list of what women want in relationships is certainly a man that is romantic, and most men are just not too expert at this. In fact when a woman asks you to be romantic, you may cringe at the word because you may not really understand what her definition of this is. In simple terms being romantic is giving women the attention they desire, and for you to make them feel special. She wants to know that you are the one and only in your life, so to speak. What women want in relationships is for you to show them that they are the sexiest, mot beautiful, wonderful, and perfect person of your dreams. If you can master this you will have the most powerful relationship you can dream of!

So how do I be Mr. Romantic?

There are simple things that mean a lot to a woman and these will also score you brownie points for being romantic for her as well. Simple things in a relationship start being overlooked especially when you have been together for a very long time. Here are a few simple things that you can do which mean a lot to her romantically.

1.Ask her how her day was and listen to the answer.

2.Slip little notes in her handbag, glove box or where she can see them with sweet reminders of how much you love her.

3.When she takes an active interest in your projects or activities tell her that she is the best in the world.

4.When she cooks for you tell her how much it means to her and compliment her on the dish.

5.Show her you care by commenting on her appearance and often tell her how pretty she looks.

6.Ask her if she wants to learn about things that you do; like operate the VCR, put a plug on the toaster, paint, gardening or anything she takes an interest in learning. (Do Not Criticize her efforts no matter how disastrous (EVER)

7.Be patient with her when she makes a mistake and praise her when she achieves a success!

These are some of the things that women want in relationships and actually just the tip of the ice berg. You can also be romantic by giving flowers occasionally, taking her for special outings and dinners, and spending time with her parents especially your (future?) mother in law…Women in Relationships want Strength and character

Women want to know that you are always there for them and this means being a pillar of strength when they are sad. They love a man that is masculine, yet also has a feminine side to them. (You must have seen this angle in the Mel Gibson ‘What Woman Want’ Movie).

More points of what women want in relationships is showing that you are not afraid to be yourself when you are with her, showing your feelings of love in public ( Which they know makes other women envious), and always being truthful and honest with them.

Knowledge is power when it comes to understanding what women want in relationships and this means communication and listening. If you really love your girl find out what her favorite foods are, her pastimes, hobbies, about her parents, her favorite movies, books, colors and hangouts. When you know all this you are more than half way there to knowing the true secrets of what women want in relationships.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Women And Reationships... Tips For men

Every man will agree with another, that women are extremely complex human beings that they will never understand let alone try to. When it comes to women in relationships it can be a rollercoaster ride for a man that never stops. Mostly women set much higher values to relationships than men because they instinctively know that they need the support of a man in their lives, and of course a good father to their children. Men on the other hand are hunters by nature and will quickly tire of a relationship that becomes monotonous. The first step to building powerful relationships with the women you really love means taking these tips into consideration.

1. Women love men that are sensitive and feeling by nature. When you show your sincerity you will definitely be more appreciated. This means openly declaring your love and not being afraid to do so where ever you are. She will secretly revel in the fact that you are so proud of her and such a loving partner.

2. Women in relationships are forever changing their minds on what they want. You must be a master of compromise to make a relationship with a women work. Men should have a lot of patience and be a good listener so that you know what to expect for the next step in your relationship with her.

3. Women trust their own instincts, and it is known that women's instinct is normally pretty accurate. Accept that women are guided by common sense more than anything else, so if the tell you to follow a certain direction even if it is against what the map says, they will probably be right. No doubt you have seen in many a movie that a woman will say to leave well enough alone, where the man refuses to and everyone ends up in a jam. The Movie 'Jeepers Creepers' is a fabulous example of this...

4. Women in relationships are shop-aholics. They can never have enough shoes or clothing. What is worse is they cannot decide what to wear on any given time either. The longer she takes to get ready when going on a date with you is something you should really appreciate; because after all she does want to look good for you. Women love getting gifts too. They love a man that keeps on giving especially if he is imaginative with gifts.

5. Women in relationships can say things they do not mean and quickly feel sorry they let them out, because this is like speaking their thoughts aloud. Be forgiving for things that are said in frustration and anger, because if you take them to heart your relationship can be over sooner than you think! Never use tem as ammunition in an argument later either

6. Women love compliments and can never get enough of them. You should however be cautious in dishing out too many though, because they can end up becoming meaningless as well. You should look for a balance here. Build up her self confidence by letting her know she looks good, has made a great decision, been a wonderful cook or is clever in what she has achieved in her career etc.

7. Women in relationships are dreamers and still little girls at heart. She desires to be the center of attention and you are the knight on a white horse rescuing her. Take note that women's hearts melt when they see a puppy, cry at sad movies and will love being treated like a princess by you now and again.

8. Women want what they cannot always have. Sometimes you will experience this and its best to be patient. Most women can be very ambitious in this regard as well, so your gentle restraint can prevent her from being let down too hard.

9. In arguments women in relationships want to have the first and the last words. Sometimes it is just better letting her think she is right, even though you know she is wrong. When she finds out afterwards that she really was wrong she will not admit it either. Never remind her of this fact.

10. Women are better drivers and more careful ones at that than men. This may stick in your craw, but statistics prove this to be true. They are also better at remembering directions once they have traveled the route just once. You can trust a woman to drive your most prized car.

11. Women never forget what you say or what has been said especially when it comes to women in relationships In an argument she can bring up ammunition you thought she had forgotten. Be careful what you say in the heat of the moment because it can come back and haunt you!
If you are in love with a women and she loves you back unconditionally then you have a relationship that is truly worth fighting for. Try and learn as much about her as you can while you are building a relationship; what she likes and does not like, and so forth. You can get a lot of this information from her friends with some subtle questioning. When you start understanding her better you have a lifelong loving partner that is worth more than all the money on the world.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Online Relationships

There are hundreds of online dating sites today all over the world, and it is possible to find any type of partner you are looking for using the internet. The million dollar question is; can online relationships work? or will they end up in a dead-end or a broken heart? In the United States alone, more and more people are getting internet access at home, and owning their own home computers, while others have laptops that can access the internet from anywhere. Just like it is possible to shop online safely for almost any products you need, the same goes for finding a friend, true love, or even a gay partner. Legitimate online dating sites are a great way to size someone up first and see whether they are compatible with you. This is already one positive answer to; can online relationships work? You have a better chance of building a relationship with someone your own age group, with similar interests, and close enough to where you live to get to know each other better and you can decide when you are ready to take the next step.

Where Online Relationships fail

Although there have been a number of fail safes implemented in legitimate online dating sites, unfortunately there are still people that manage to access these sites and fool around with peoples feelings. Lonely people can quickly be drawn into these traps and getting hurt. When this happens the first time their trust in online dating websites goes right out the window because as they say; ‘once bitten; twice shy’! Having said that, online dating has become one of the most popular ways for people to meet someone, and you can have much more confidence doing so than in person. The answer to can online relationships work, is a double sided one, being both yes and no!

How to find a perfect date and set it up.

Using the internet for online dating has its advantages because this allows you to get to know your future partner a lot better. You will have a complete profile on your dating site so people that are interested in you will be the ones that contact you, while at the same time you will be doing the same. What is also a great idea is that you do not have to force the issue in online dating, and take your time deciding whether you wish a real live face to face date. Online dating has been extremely successful for many people, and some partners have met, fallen in love, and even got married afterwards. The sensible thing to do after you find someone special is to remove your profile on online dating sites, and avoid these dating sites altogether. Where online relationships fail is where people want to have their cake and eat it, and continue looking after they have found someone special to see if there is going to be someone even better.

Online Relationships can be successful

The answer to can online relationships work is more positive than negative when weighing up the pros and cons. People that use online dating websites to find a new partner or friend, should be sensible to know when they are being strung along and when something does not feel right to them. If you are suspicious, then report the person you are not happy about on the dating website. Normally there is a support webmaster that monitors suspicious activity for this purpose. Be sure to protect yourself at all times, and before going overboard and sharing intimate details about yourself to anyone; or setting up a meet to be absolutely sure it is what you want. Do not end up with a broken heart because you are desperately seeking an end to your loneliness.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How To Make Your First Date A Success!

Perhaps you finally built up the courage to ask the person out and you want to do everything possible to make your first date a success. You are as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof because you really like the person you are going on a first date with, and you want to make sure everything is going to be perfect. Maybe you have been dating online a while, and because you are happy about a face to face meeting you have arranged to meet up somewhere. Thoughts of ‘first impressions are always lasting’ go around in your date and no doubt you are reading this because you want to know how to make your first date a success. Both of you are going to equally nervous about your first date if that is any comfort!

Calmly Plan every detail of your date!

To make your first date a success, every detail needs to be planned properly right down to choosing a few topics you are going to talk about during the date and questions you will ask to keep the conversation going. Nothing is going to be worse than sitting with a mouthful of teeth on your first date with a silence you can cut through with a knife. You need some ice breakers and things to talk about to make the first date go smoothly. Furthermore if you are the one that has asked the person out, you will have to give them an idea of where the date is going to be, how you are getting there and what time you will be collecting them…

Dress up nicely and pay attention to grooming to make your fist date a success

It is very important to make sure that you look good, because first impressions are lasting as mentioned above and there may not be a second chance if you blow it. Besides looking good will also give you more confidence on your first date. If you know where you are going, then dress up to suit the date. Going out to a casual restaurant or burger joint and a movie dressed up in a suit and tie, or cocktail dress if you are a lady, is not going to work. See yourself in the mirror as how your date is going to look at you, and make sure you are satisfied and comfortable. This is a very vital point to make your first date a success!

Be conscious of good manners on your first date!

When you go on your first date there are certain ways you should behave and etiquette you should make a point of. If you are a man hold open doors, compliment your date on the way she looks, open the car door for her hold the chair for her to sit down. The days of chivalry are alive and well, and most women love a man with impeccable manners. If you are a lady, thank the man for compliments and be on your best behavior. Manners aside; on your first date try not to be someone you are not because keeping up the lie may become a nightmare you wish you had not started. Good impressions are vital sure, but still be your self. If the woman/girl is a feminist which is something you should be able to pick up on quite quickly, let her do things for herself. She may also want to help with expenses, and if so do not argue about it just thank her politely once and do not make it an issue!

Common sense tips to make your first date a success.

There are some common sense tips you should know to make your first date a success

If you are picking a girl up do not be late and make sure your car is clean.
It is fashionable for a lady to be a few minutes late, and to allow her date fetch her at the front door of her home. Do not be impatient if you are a guy.
Do not go to a place you cannot afford, and no matter what you have planned make sure you have more than enough to cover the bills without stress.
Your first date is not a job interview and you will both be shy.
You can make the first effort to make yourselves more comfortable with each other to break the ice.

You can make your first date a success by following the above common sense guides and afterwards thank him or her for a lovely evening and let them know that you enjoyed yourself. When you part, you will both know if your first date is going to be the beginning of a great relationship!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Broken Heart Causes..

The biggest causes of breaking up in relationships come from misunderstandings. What caused your broken heart is perhaps a misunderstanding about something your partner heard, saw with their own eyes, or was told by some one else. No matter how hard you have tried to explain what really happened, your partner was deaf eared about it, and now the relationship is on the rocks. There are dozens of romance and love story movies that have been made about breaking up and making up and they all revolve around a simple misunderstanding where there was an explanation at the end of the day. Problems like this can also get exaggerated way out of proportion! Unfortunately what caused your broken heart now is also probably from a gross misunderstanding. Perhaps your partner thinks you were cheating on them, but they did not know that it was your cousin you were greeting, or perhaps you were congratulating a close friend. What the eye sees is what damages the heart, and all reason at that point flies out the window. Your partners heart is broken into a million pieces and yours is going to be too!

What caused your broken heart can be fixed

Many relationships have been repaired through a third party when he/ she did not want to listen to your reasoning or explanations. This is where communication is so important in any relationship. Suffering from a broken hart is really painful and it is even worse when so much damage has been done that it looks like you will never get back together again. Perhaps you were really cheating that caused your relationship to fall apart and if so you are in serious trouble; but if you were not, then the misunderstanding is what caused your broken heart, and you need to take steps to sort that out fast. Perhaps friends of your partner can be approached and told the real truth about what really happened. In some cases it may even be worth trying to get through to your partner through his/her parents. This is even more worth doing if you know you are truly innocent. Sorting out what caused your broken heart works both ways. Give your partner a chance to explain themselves properly to find out what really happened to cause your break up. Get every single detail out of them otherwise you are never going to get closure.

Relationships and Love are a True gift.

Many relationships are being torn apart because of modern day fast paced 21st century lifestyles. True love is precious and relationships are well worth working hard for. There are dozens of guides worth investing in on how to get your ex back, nurture relationships and strengthen them, and even on how to find your true soul mate. If you truly love someone it is important to always be honest and keep the lines of communication wide open. If this is not the case soon enough you are going to have a broken heart because of a misunderstanding that could not be resolved through hard headedness. Love and relationships are a gift worth fighting for because no one should have to grow old alone.